Tersil is the foil made from expanded polyethylene that is inserted into mezzanine construction. Just a single layer provides protection by reducing the sound up to 22 decibels.
Not only does Tersil provide space thermal insulation but it also works as a major energy and cost saver (there is a reduction of up to 12% on energy sources). It is waterproof, chemical-resistant, flexible, endurable and fragrance-free.
Tersil contributes to fire safety in buildings and other facilities to a great extent. Installation is simple, quick and do-it-yourself (if preferred). It can be used separately or combined with other insulation materials. Non-toxic and environmentally-friendly, it contains no CFC or HCFC compounds.
Available in 5 and 10mm thickness.
The price per a square inch equals the price of a chewing gum.
This type of insulation is considered to be one of the best sellers worldwide.
- 1. Clean the surface with a spatula by removing mortar and concrete
- 2. Sweep the surface with a broom
- 3. Unroll Tersil foil along the floor
- 4. Affix the edges or tape LD foily
- 5. Apply dilatation tapes along the corners
- Insulation
- Thermal - acoustic floor insulation
- ISOfloor
- ISOuniversal
- Tersil
- Laminating
- Thermal - acoustic pipes insulation
- ISOpipes
- ISOpipes standard
- ISOpipes SSL triple S
- ISOpipes SSL
- Climaflex
- R Flex
- Packaging
- ISOpack foil
- EPE foil
- Air Bubble foil
- ISOpack profile
- U profiles
- L profiles
- Customized
- Polylam
- Nopaplank
- Microextrusion
- ISOframe
- ISOcable
Please download technical specifications of all our products.